Discover, Record, and Share your family stories

Bring your family's heritage to life with TELL,
the ultimate storytelling app that connects generations.

Enjoy a huge library of kids audiobooks

Discover a vast collection of audio stories, ranging from classic fairy tales to literary masterpieces like Romeo and Juliet, all rewritten for modern kids.

Record your own stories, create memories

Capture and share your voice with loved ones, no matter where they are. Leave a personal legacy by narrating your favorite tales or your family’s unique stories.

Explore Cultural Heritage

Dive into a rich library of traditional and modern tales that celebrate your heritage. Discover other diverse cultures and histories.

Create your personalized story map

Create and explore your own story map that visually represent your family’s history and personal journeys.
Download the app today

How does the app work?

Simple Steps to a richer family heritage

Sign-up and Discover stories

Create your profile and start discovering stories from the TELL Library.

Add your own stories

Record your own stories using our easy storytelling tools.

Explore and connect

Dive into your family’s past, learn about different cultures, and connect with relatives near and far.

The app integrates with the TELL story books

The app seamlessly integrates with our printed books, allowing you to add your own voice to the pages. Whether it’s bedtime stories or family narratives, record and embed your narrations to create interactive, voice-activated books that make reading a fun, multisensory adventure for everyone involved.

Bond through stories

Deepen your family connections and celebrate your heritage with TELL. Our app not only allows you to strengthen family bonds by sharing unique stories across generations but also helps preserve these precious memories securely for the future. Discover the rich values, lessons, and histories embedded in your family’s tales

Start your family’s storytelling journey today.

Download TELL and keep your heritage alive.