We empower children and their families to discover and immortalise their personal, family narrative, and cultural heritage in an increasingly scattered world as explained in this video
Why our users love TELL
There's a real intimacy in sharing tales by speaking and listening that's impossible to recreate through the far more individual experiences of reading or watching, which is why it's a medium so closely associated with family and close communities.
TELL is preserving and recreating those qualities in a modern world where people we love are distributed across different cities, countries and time zones.
In addition we will revive and give greater access to the cultural heritage and long-accumulated wisdom that traditional tales embody.
What’s our Purpose?
“TELL the world” because everyone has a story to tell that is worth sharing with the world. TELL wants to inspire people to share their wisdom, their fun, entertaining and/or deeper stories through generations in their family, so we can raise a generation of future-resilient children, who are open-minded and connected to older generations, cultures and their roots.
What’s our mission?
We're on a mission to revolutionise Early Childhood Development through the transformative power of Voice and Storytelling, enabling bonding and transfer of wisdom and cultural heritage.
About our team
Introducing our passionate founding team, united by friendship and a shared vision for enriching children’s lives:
From Norway - living in the UK, CEO Marius Askeland Jensen is a dad of two sons isn't just a serial entrepreneur and educator in the health industry, having set up some of London’s premier Chiropractic Clinics; he's the heart of TELL. Fueled by a drive to transform family dynamics and Children's Education, Marius envisions a world where Education through storytelling fosters oracy skills, a love of reading, curiosity and self-confidence in kids. Marius’ secret weapon is that he is well networked with influential people and celebrities, enabling easy PR and growth hacks in new markets.

From France - living in the US, COO Christopher Esclapez is also a dad of two sons and an INSEAD MBA and ex-Accenture manager with a knack for innovation. Founder of multiple VC-funded startups, he’s pioneered online concert streaming and harnessed AI for online learning. He brings his entrepreneurial expertise in music and digital media to TELL to shape a storytelling platform as transformative as it is engaging.

From Russia - living in the UK, CTO Victor Asafov and proud dad of a daughter and son, with over 15 years in managing large-scale IT projects, left his high-impact role in multinational corporations and VC to focus on TELL. Victor is committed to leveraging technology and AI for the cause of improving children's education. Victor is also very connected, enabling the team to raise funds from two billionaire investors.

From the Netherlands, living in Portugal, CBD (Chief Business Development) Anieke Lamers, dog mom and proud auntie to two young nieces in Australia, a MSc in Finance and LSE grad and Notre Dame MBA, blended her startup Peekabond into TELL in 2023. An ex-Impact-Venture Capital investor with five exits to her name and a serial entrepreneur, Anieke aims to help families craft lasting memories and unbreakable bonds, transcending all barriers of time, age, and distance.

From Colombia, living in Spain and the UK, CSO (Chief Strategy Officer) Jeffrey Perlman, is a father of two, a creative genius and was a former Zumba CMO who helped the fitness brand grow from 2M to 200M revenue with a Valuation: $ 550M and also helped the Online Personal Development company Mindvalley grow from 13M to 140M revenue with a Valuation of $ 210M.

Origin story
Christo, Victor, and Marius have not just been collaborators but friends for over a decade in London, setting the stage for an intensely focused and cohesive team. With Anieke and Jeff's recent addition, we are more poised than ever to make storytelling a cornerstone of children’s education and family life.
Marius had already piloted storytelling concepts with dozens of patients in his wellness clinics (including the founder of Calm app) when Christo heard about it. Trying it himself, Christo had the "aha" moment when his mom recorded a story from across continents and dazzled her grandkids. Realizing the magic, Christo looped in Victor who had built a high-tech, cutting edge online VOD platform for him 10 years prior. They met Anieke and discovered the synergy between Peekabond and TELL - Anieke’s vision with Peekabond dovetailed perfectly with TELL's evolving mission, completing the founding team and setting the stage for transformative impact in children's education and family life.

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